Mr. Roger Kam Joined BJ-HK Economic Cooperation Symposium

Thursday, 25 October 2018

The 22nd Beijing-HK Economic Cooperation Symposium was held in Beijing on October 24th and 25th.  Our Managing Partner, Mr. Roger Kam who is also the Director of The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong, was invited to attend the Signing Ceremony on October 25th.

15 major porjects total amounting to $3.53 billion were acheved during the ceremony.  According to the Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau, the Beijing-HK Economic Cooperation Symposium had emphasised and focused on sustainable cooperation, continuously brought Beijing-HK cooperation models meeting the times.  The cooperation models include but not limited to equity investment, M&A, but also the deep exploration on cooperation room.  The future cooperation between the two cities will be deepened further benefiting from the continuous upgrading from the opportunity seeking in the two regions to working together for exploiting international markets.
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As one of the witness of the Signing Ceremony, Mr. Kam, on behalf of the Firm, gave the commitment to contribute and promote the business coperation between Beijing and Hong Kong.
小图片 京港经双向投资项目签约仪式 2


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